Your journey to durable and energy-efficient lighting just began.

Fill out the form and we will get back to you shortly. Alternatively, you can call us right away or drop by in person at our production facilities in Kladno. We are there every day including weekends.

doublepower!! s. r. o.
Dubská 1011
272 03 Kladno

Office hours :
Monday–Friday: 8:00–17:30

Our team

ing. Pavel Kužílek
sales director

Dominik Pros
technical director

Invoicing details :
IČ: 27951855
DIČ: CZ27951855
Zápis v obchodním rejstříku u Městského soudu v Praze, spisová značka 128914 C
Bank account: Oberbank AG, pobočka ČR, č. ú. 2100001392/8040